At BME we are dedicated to learning, growing, and elevating in every aspect of life. Real bosses seek to uplift, encourage and inspire. Our mission at Boss Mom Enterprise is to support each other and celebrate accomplishments together. BME aims to advocate for the successes of women and their holistic growth: mind, body, and spirit. We must enjoy the pleasantries of life and take time to slow down. But we must also align, work and pray. Financial freedom and retiring early is possible. Whether business owner or business woman, we can get there and continue to live in the golden moments with independence. BME will keep the conversation going so we can share your stories of failure and triumph or fury and glory. We owe it to our community to share knowledge, wisdom and wealth. Being of service is essential to cultivating a new perspective of what it means to be a BOSS.
About Boss Mom Enterprise
This is Boss Mom Enterprise, a powerful existence dedicated to uplifting, supporting, and EMPOWERING black women as well as black owned businesses. Based in Alabama, since the founding there have been many passionate and like minded connections made among BOSS ass women who are most certainly doin' the damn thang! BME is the method in which ShEO, Jay Matthews, tells her story, shares her creativity and provide a platform for others to do the same. She puts immense amounts of effort into producing great results for all clients. Through a wide range of services, she provides strategic guidance by coming up with the right solution for each client served. Be sure to check out and join the Boss Mom Enterprise Online Directory.
Define BME
Boss Mom Enterprise is a collection and source for generating funds, supporting other black owned businesses, promoting further education through the BME Scholarship Fund, and sharing knowledge that has the potential to impact our future for generations to come. BME stemmed from the need to share our stories, celebrate our wins, empower other women and minority business owners as well showcase the many talents and crafts of BME members. ​​